Enhancing Efficiency in Remote Video Monitoring: Stripping Out Non-Value Added Waste

At Harkness Group, we understand that remote video monitoring centers are pivotal in safeguarding properties and assets. A critical aspect of this is the ability to measure and improve response times. However, many monitoring centers primarily focus on key performance indicators (KPIs) that highlight response times to clear-cut, malicious activities—situations where the threat is obvious, like a person in a ski mask with a crowbar attempting to break into a building. While promoting these best-case response times is common, it is essential to delve deeper into the broader and more complex KPI of overall average response time, which encompasses all events.

The Importance of Average Response Time

Average response time is a comprehensive KPI that includes a variety of events:

  • Malicious Events: Critical incidents requiring immediate action.
  • Benign Events: False alarms or non-threatening situations.
  • Customers on Site: Authorized personnel triggering alerts.
  • Waste of Time Events: Non-value add events that consume operator resources.

In the realm of remote video monitoring, particularly in outdoor settings, malicious events form a slim minority of the total events. The majority are benign events, legitimate customer activity, or non-value add occurrences. These non-value add events can significantly waste operators’ time, potentially delaying their response to critical malicious incidents.

Reducing Non-Value Add Waste

To truly enhance response times and operational efficiency, monitoring centers should focus on reducing the prevalence of non-value add events. Here are key strategies to achieve this:

  1. Streamlining Processes: Implementing more efficient workflows to handle benign events swiftly and effectively, freeing up operators to focus on genuine threats.
  2. Automation: Leveraging advanced technology to automate the identification and dismissal of non-threatening events, thereby reducing the burden on human operators.
  3. Event Filtering: Implementing intelligent filtering systems that accurately distinguish between critical and non-critical events, ensuring that operators only address incidents that require human intervention.

The Path to Improved Response Times

By prioritizing the reduction of non-value add events, monitoring centers can significantly improve their overall average response times. This approach not only enhances the overall efficiency of the monitoring process but also ensures that operators are readily available to respond to critical malicious events without unnecessary delays.

Partnering with Harkness Group

At Harkness Group, we specialize in helping remote video monitoring centers streamline their operations and eliminate non-value add waste. Our expertise can assist you in implementing the right strategies and technologies to improve your response times and overall operational efficiency.

Reach out to Harkness Group today to discover how we can help transform your monitoring center, ensuring that your operators are always ready to respond to the events that matter most.

By focusing on these crucial aspects and adopting a holistic approach to monitoring efficiency, remote video monitoring centers can not only boast impressive response times for clear-cut malicious events but also achieve a more meaningful and impactful overall performance. Let Harkness Group guide you on this journey to operational excellence.

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